Wisdom Teeth
Safe, gentle wisdom tooth extraction in our Albury and Wodonga SJ Dental.

Many people in their late teens or early 20s need to have their third molars (aka wisdom teeth) removed. Wisdom tooth removal (extraction) helps prevent problems associated with impacted wisdom teeth which can seriously affect your overall dental health.
Not everyone develops wisdom teeth problems, and some people don’t ever develop wisdom teeth. However, they do cause serious problems for many, which is why dentists recommend that those in their late teens have an x-ray to see the status of their wisdom teeth.
How much does wisdom teeth removal cost in Albury and Wodonga?
At our Wagga dental clinic, the cost of wisdom teeth removal varies, but prices range between $250 to $500. Additional charges apply for initial consultation and x-rays. Health insurance rebates may apply depending on your health fund, level of cover and years covered.
Please check with your health insurance fund for further details.
Wisdom teeth problems
If wisdom teeth are not monitored, they can become impacted and cause serious problems:
- abscesses or cysts
- infections
- teeth crowding
- pain & swelling
- gum disease
Sedation & pain-relief options
At SJ Dental, we perform wisdom teeth removal while you are sitting comfortably in the chair. You’ll have plenty of local anaesthetic and a variety of sedation options on hand. You can even have happy gas to make you more relaxed. After, you’ll be given analgesics to take home so that you remain comfortable while recovering from your procedure
Wisdom tooth extraction cost
The cost of wisdom tooth extraction is approximately $250-$500 per tooth, depending on the level of complexity.
Additional charges apply for initial consultation and x-rays. Health insurance rebates may apply.
Please check with your health fund.
Wisdom Teeth Removal FAQs
What are wisdom teeth?
Why do we have wisdom teeth?
Where do my wisdom teeth sit in my mouth?
Can wisdom teeth get infected?
What happens if my wisdom tooth becomes infected?
Do I have to go to hospital for wisdom teeth removal?
Is wisdom teeth removal painful?
Can I claim my dental health insurance for my wisdom teeth removal?
Depending on your level of cover, you may be able to claim a rebate from your health insurance fund. SJ Dental is a preferred provider with HCF and BUPA.
Can I wait a while before I have my wisdom teeth removed?
How long does it take to recover from wisdom teeth surgery?
Why do wisdom teeth have to be removed?
Impacted wisdom teeth: https://www.healthline.com/health/impacted-wisdom-tooth
Wisdom teeth infection: https://www.healthline.com/health/wisdom-teeth-infection
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